Campus Cowork is part of the Association of coworking centers in Slovakia


The Association‘s mission is to create a network of coworking spaces and the people who created them, so that they can share the necessary information with each other, advise each other on how to solve various challenges, or connect entrepreneurs and like-minded people who form the basis of every coworking space, i.e. the community.

Everything bad comes with something good

The idea to connect individual coworking spaces in Slovakia arose during the pandemic period. The main impulse was the new situation to which coworking operators had to adapt and the lack, but also the ambiguity, of information from state institutions.

During the pandemic, even in Campus, we had to solve on a daily basis how to ensure the safest possible conditions for our members and how to comply with government regulations without completely erasing our philosophy, which is built precisely on personal contact with the community.

And so we started meeting regularly, as usual – online

We gradually created a communication system. Our meetings were mainly about sharing observations and ideas, but at the same time they served us as mutual support in a situation that was not favorable for our business. Thanks to the financial support of the Ekopolis Foundation and the Active Citizens Fund – Slovakia grant scheme, we started meeting offline from the beginning of 2022, each time in a different guest coworking space.

Association today

Step by step we established a formal civic association with the aim of continuing to cooperate closely and together build an innovative ecosystem of coworking spaces throughout Slovakia.

Our goal is to make the concept of coworking visible within our country, even outside the big cities. We want to show people the benefits of coworking, that it’s not just about the workplace itself, but that every coworking is unique and can contribute to the development of their business, the acquisition of new skills or even discovering new business opportunities.

We want to achieve these goals with the help of an online campaign called “Only in a coworking”. We will show the stories of successful companies that were founded in our premises. We will introduce inspiring people whom you will not meet just on the street, but you will in a co-working space. And last but not least, we will present the importance of the community and each of its members.

“This project is a big challenge and carries with it the responsibility to bring the world of coworking closer to the general public in Slovakia and at the same time show the world that even here in Slovakia there are people, as my colleague says, “with the mentality of a founder.” I see the inspiration and experience shared between small and large coworkers as very important so that we can grow and progress together. We, as Campus Cowork, wanted and will want to be part of projects (at the beginning of projects) that make sense and can move people to the next level,” added the project coordinator for Campus and our office manager, Zuzka Husárová.

What makes coworking coworking? Well, our community! And it is for you that we try to be constantly up to date and involved in projects that can improve our services. Don’t forget that you can always send us your suggestions through Office RnD, or fill our customer satisfaction survey. Thanks and we are looking forward to your feedback!

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