Why should you participate in V4 Startup Force?


The V4 Startup Force program is a three-week hybrid program during which participants can receive practical mentoring that will prepare them for business meetings tailored to all four V4 countries, practical knowledge to fine-tune their business and, last but not least, enjoy great networking with inspiring people.

The program takes place every year and as last year’s winner and our member, Patrik Dolinský, told us, it really pays to participate. You can apply until March 17!

But to show you that it really makes sense, we talked to Patrik about the benefits V4 Startup Force brought him.

Patrik, in retrospect, what do you consider to be the biggest advantage of participating in the program?

The biggest added value was arranged meetings with potential customers in V4 countries and thus help with the traction itself. From the position of founder of the company, the workshop called “Board Room” helped me the most, the goal of which was to reveal the biggest challenge or bottleneck of the company and to get an impartial view of the given situation from other startupists, mentors and investors.

If you had to decide again, would you still want to participate in the program?

V4 Force Startup also helped me perceive the needs and size of other markets – it literally helped me to think bigger. Thanks to the one-week bootcamp in Budapest, we had the opportunity to learn more about troubles other startups and other founders face daily, how they think about problems and how they look for solutions. It’s so “reassuring” to know you’re not the only one who has hard days at work. I have to say that it helped me a lot in building the company, so the answer is yes.

Tell us more about the YourLOX project, what it is about and how it is today?

LOX is a smart box that enables the rental of equipment for sports, collective games and active recreation right on the spot using the app. The main benefit of our project is that it allows people to spontaneously perform various activities, here and now. Since it is a shared economy concept, by repeatedly using the same items, we contribute to lower consumption, thereby saving the environment and reducing the carbon footprint.

There are currently 7 LOXs located in Slovakia, namely 2 LOXs in each Senica, Piešťany and Hlohovec, and one LOX in Dunajská Streda. LOXs are in full operation and people use them every day. Whether it’s basketball or exercising with heavy weights, citizens can finally perform sports activities to the fullest, without having to own things and carry them with them all the time. I believe that in a few months we will build more LOXs not only in Slovakia, but also in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, where we register new inquiries every week.

What advice would you give to other participants of the V4 Startup Force program? Maybe tips and tricks for success?

Be extremely active. Organizers, mentors and other participants sincerely want to help you grow your business beyond the borders of Slovakia. Do you need B2B customers? Investors? Or test your product on end users? The better the input data they receive from you, the better the “playing field” they can prepare for you. Then it’s up to you how you use it. Be mentally prepared that you’ll invest more energy than usual during this period. Plan this energy boost in advance, and after the program is over, cleverly set up a break to recharge your batteries.

Is your startup ready to go beyond the borders and expand in the V4 region? If the answer is yes, then definitely don’t hesitate and see more info about V4 Startup Force today!

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