In Campus, we discussed how to help seniors in the digital world

Blog 2_digi_seniors (1)

In the early evening of Tuesday, November 29, another panel discussion took place in our Campus Cowork with guests who are actively engaged in giving a helping hand to one of the most vulnerable groups in the online space, our grandparents.

The discussion was attended by Andrea Cox, director of the digiQ institution, Júlia Čillíková, who works as the executive director of the supervision and financial consumer protection section of the NBS, and Jozef Halcin, currently director of the crime prevention department of the office of the Minister of the Interior of the Slovak Republic and manager of Victim Assistance. Traditionally, the event was moderated by Simona Gulisová from FORBES.

The discussion was part of a series called events organized by the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic (MIRRI) in cooperation with Campus. The highlight of these events is an innovation weekend called a hackathon.

During the discussion, the guests shared their impressions and experiences of working with seniors

At the same time they appealed to the participants of the hackathon on the topic Seniors in the digital world, what solutions are welcome and would greatly help them in their work. Opinions were heard on the panels about the most common mistakes seniors make when working with a computer or telephone. It is worth mentioning the already well-known story of the “American soldier”, whose heartbreaking fate attracts mostly elderly pensioners to gradually send him money on his way home, or the story of the Nigerian prince who needs help with investments. The last frequently mentioned scam was cryptocurrencies and various investments via the Internet.

At Campus City, we are happy to be able to organize another hackathon on such an important topic as protecting the generation of our parents and grandparents in the online space.

Did you miss the event? Watch the recording of the discussion:

Would you be interested in actively helping to contribute to solving these challenges? You can find all the possibilities of how to participate in the hackathon, which we are organizing next weekend on December 9 and 10 at the Campus City premises, on the website: Seniors in the digital space –

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