Campus Cowork x WomanUp, quality non-formal education for women


The partnership with Campus Cowork has been very inspiring for WomanUp ever since the start, especially the strong community, which Campus creates is exactly what WomanUp is building as well. Natália, the founder of WomanUp visited several events in Campus, where she enjoyed the environment, as well as the connections between different people and the ground for interesting collaborations.

WomanUp is a civic association, which aims is to build and strengthen the ecosystem of women in Slovakia. The project was founded by Natália Pavlovská, when she was still in high school. “I felt that there were a lot of women who had something to say and a lot more who needed to hear it.” She started to build a community where women support and highlight each other. A safe space where women don’t feel judged or criticized.

Today, this community has several thousand members and WomanUp has grown into a team that is continually looking for ways to educate and inspire women on the topics of career, authenticity and personal development. Through cooperation with institutions, businesses and individuals who support the project with their know-how and experience, WomanUp helps to create Slovakia, where equality is not just a dream of the future.

WomanUp Bootcamps will be happening in Campus Cowork

Currently, a series of day-long events WomanUp Bootcamps is beginning, which will be held regularly once a month in cooperation with Campus Cowork. “We want to learn together how to improve different areas of our lives, develop our minds and explore ourselves, learn from the life lessons of successful women, and find our own definition of quality life. That’s what we’re working on in WomanUp and in our community and that’s exactly what we want to achieve with our Bootcamps,” adds Natália.

Natalia Pavlovska, founder of WomanUp project

The decision to organise WomanUp Bootcamps here was a very organic step that naturally fitted into the overall philosophy of the project.

“I have only recently joined the Campus team, but from day one it was clear to me that what makes Campus what it is are people. The WomanUp project and their efforts to develop self-confidence and spread success stories perfectly capture our vision. Inspiring each other is an invaluable opportunity and I am glad that it will take place right here,” said Klaudia Blaškovičová from Campus.

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