We know the theme of the first hackathon of 2024: Teams will innovate creation of registers of cultural entities


The Hacknime.to project continues its initiative to streamline public administration processes and digital services for citizens in 2024. During the first hackathon of the year, organized by the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, which will take place on 12-13 April in Bratislava in cooperation with Campus Cowork, young people and experts will have the task to find a way to create and regularly update the registers of all entities from the cultural and creative industry environment.

I am very pleased that we continue to digitize state administration by involving the talents we have in the country to help Slovak cities, regions, or even ministries do things better. It is important to realize that in this type of event, a significant advantage is the fact that we have real financial opportunities to implement winning solutions. The implementation itself for the winners is not the easiest process in the world, but the first six hackathons have proven that it can be done. Therefore, I would like to encourage innovative people to sign up again this year, right at the first hackathon in 2024, for the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic,” evaluated Viktor Štefaňák, Head of Partnerships at Campus Cowork.

How was the hackathon theme created?

The owner of the hackathon theme “Registers of Cultural Entities” is the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, which currently does not have a register of all existing legal entities in the field. This complicates the adoption of measures. Its importance was fully demonstrated after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, when the ministry needed to target state aid specifically, but did not have a complete list of eligible entities. The registers that exist to date cover:

The cultural heritage sector – such as museums, galleries, libraries, whose fill rate approaches 100%

The art sector – visual arts, theaters, musical entities, which, however, have low fill rates

The sector encompassing architecture, design, and the gaming industry, where no registries exist at all

The goal of the hackathon, funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic, is to ensure that the Ministry of Culture and subsequently other public administration institutions can make informed decisions and take specific measures based on quality data and analysis.

We see the significance of our project not only for the Ministry of Culture, but the potential of such a proposed system allows for the future creation of any register for the needs of other ministries, public administration institutions, and other organizations. The data will be used continuously, and filling the registers should become a common and uncomplicated practice for all entities. We perceive this project as a contribution to improving processes and effectively providing public services,” added Peter Senko, General Director of the Project Management and Information Technology Section.

Come innovate culture with us!

Young talents, IT specialists, and experts in data collection and automation can sign up for the hackathon on the Hacknime.to website. The hacking will take place in Bratislava, Binarium building, Stare grunty 18. 

After registration, teams will collectively seek solutions to the competitive challenge of the Registers of Cultural Entities hackathon, which is: “Design a comprehensive IT solution for dynamic creation and filling of registers of cultural entities.” Based on experiences from previous hackathons, it is recommended to form teams of 2 to 5 participants who can program and have experience in other areas of IT and business.

Registration is open until April 10th or until capacity is reached, so don’t hesitate, sign up your team, or join as an individual eager to be part of a team, and come show us how you envision innovations in the cultural and creative industries.

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