Simple and digitized public administration and how to make it possible

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Campus Cowork and the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic are jointly launching a new project The goal is to introduce modern solutions related to the effectiveness and quality of digital services for the citizens. And so starting in October this year, Campus is initiating a series of hackathons. is based on the project called Grants with simplified administration (Fast grants) – Hackathons, financed by the Recovery and resilience fund. The main goal is to create primarily digital solutions for public administration institutions.

“Campus Cowork has always been more than just a coworking space. Since the beginning, we have considered ourselves an innovation hub where enthusiasts and experts from various industries meet and thrive. Our community is very diverse, but we all share a few things. We are eager to discover new possibilities, explore modern technologies, and last but not least, we are passionate about an innovative approach to life and business,” says Dusan Duffek, co-founder of Campus Cowork. 

We’ve approached the organization of as a challenge as well as an opportunity. It is, after all, a project influencing the entire country that is a first of its kind in Slovakia. Even the word hackathon consists of the words “hack” and “marathon,” symbolically describing this project as a whole. It’s a long-distance run full of innovation, ideas, hard work, and hacking.

What are the benefits for the participants?

Participating teams, such as programmers, designers, entrepreneurs, IT companies, startups, or students, are encouraged to create outstanding solutions and be involved during their implementation. That means they can be part of the recreation of public administration processes in the Slovak Republic.

On top of that, the hackathon offers many more benefits for each participant. The event is full of engaging networking sessions full of new people and potential future clients. Moreover, 6,000 EUR in prize money is available for three teams with the best ideas!

Hacknime to!

The first hackathon of the series mentioned above is happening on our premises on October 7th – 8th. The main topic reflects one of the crucial issues our society faces daily – disinformation.

The spread of disinformation becoming viral on social media represents a real threat for every one of us, be it false news about social issues, politics, or health care. Because of the importance and topicality of this problem, we’ll tackle hoaxes and disinformation at the upcoming hackathon called Let’s hack disinformation.

Would you like to fight online disinformation using smart technologies or increase resistance against false information in an interactive way? Can you come up with a solution for an automated system that can detect and mark harmful online content or an interactive way of media literacy testing? The registration form for the hackathon and further information can be found on our website!

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