Harmony in Delegation: Navigating Project Management with Ease
V májovom #startupgrind Fireside Chate sa budeme rozprávať s generálnym riaditeľom SND – Matejom Drličkom.
Matej Drlička má bohaté skúsenosti z oblasti hudby, manažmentu kreatívneho priemyslu a organizácie veľkých kultúrnych a spoločenských podujatí. V začiatkoch svojej kariéry pôsobil ako orchestrálny hráč na klarinete v prestížnych európskych orchestroch. Založil najväčší letný festival klasickej hudby na Slovensku Viva Musica!, neskôr aj agentúru VIVA EVENTS. V roku 2019 založil festival vedy a technológií IXPO.
In the May #startupgrind Fireside Chat, we will talk with the CEO of Slovak National Theatre – Matej Drlička.
Matej Drlička has extensive experience in the field of music, creative industry management and organization of large cultural and social events. At the beginning of his career, he worked as an orchestral clarinet player in prestigious European orchestras. He founded the biggest summer classical music festival in Slovakia, Viva Musica!, and later also the agency VIVA EVENTS. In 2019, he founded the science and technology festival IXPO.
Lískty / tickets: https://www.startupgrind.com/events/details/startup-grind-bratislava-presents-matej-drlicka-harmony-in-delegation-navigating-project-management-with-ease/